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COLUMBUS, Ohio – ARCOS® LLC successfully completed a System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 audit by BARR Advisory, P.A., that ensures the organization is protecting its utility, airline, and other critical infrastructure customers’ data. The CPA’s report states that the SOC examination tested ARCOS’s operational controls and SaaS platform for security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

Current and prospective customers generally use a SOC 2 report to evaluate a solution provider’s compliance controls. A SOC 2 examination indicates a third-party auditor evaluated a service organization’s controls as they relate to the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Trust Services Criteria.

“Meeting the SOC 2 criteria proves ARCOS protects our clients’ data,” said Dave Campbell, chief technology officer for ARCOS. “When working with cloud and related IT services, reliability is critical because cybersecurity has become a core issue especially for our utility industry customers.”

Last year, as reported by The Wall Street Journal, John Moura, director of reliability assessment and performance analysis at the North American Electric Reliability Corp., NERC, noted, “Security is at the heart of our operations, and one of the highest priority items … .”

The SOC 2 audit confirms ARCOS has established and is adhering to effective policies including change-control, security of customer information, and service level of agreements. BARR completed the audit and informed ARCOS of the results in August 2022, which covers a reporting period from April 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022. ARCOS has made its SOC 2 reports available since passing its first audit in 2014. Customers who want a copy of the 2022 report should contact ARCOS Support.

About BARR Advisory, P.A.
Advisory BARR Advisory is a cloud-based security and compliance solutions provider, specializing in cybersecurity consulting and compliance for companies with high-value information in cloud environments like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. A trusted advisor to some of the fastest growing cloud-based organizations around the globe, BARR simplifies compliance across multiple regulatory and customer requirements in highly regulated industries including technology, financial services, healthcare, and government.

ARCOS is a leader in delivering SaaS solutions for managing resources, ensuring accurate, compliant shift scheduling and automatic planning for all types of events. The ARCOS solution reports on the up-to-the-minute location and status of equipment and crews via mobile technology for utilities and other critical infrastructure like airlines, manufacturers and industrial facilities. The ARCOS resource management platform helps organizations save time and money, while improving customer satisfaction and the efficiency, safety and accuracy of operations.

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