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A water main leak shooting water up and out onto the street

For water and public works companies operating during these uncertain times, there are many things on the horizon that don’t include the current pandemic. When you are tasked with keeping people’s homes and businesses able to run with clean, potable water – the pressure can be immense, especially in times of emergency or disaster. You’ve already had to face what’s being called “The New Normal” with this current pandemic, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. Want to know why? Natural disaster season is here.

Before the last few years, natural disasters like hurricanes, fires and flooding were fewer and far between, making it easier to respond to and restore service and clean water; however, with the increasing amount and intensity of high impact weather or fire events, water and gas utilities have been affected a little more each year. During this time of year, water and public works companies face a myriad of challenges. Whether its responding quickly to damage or a broken main, making sure people’s water is still safe to drink after a weather event, or simply trying to get enough tradesmen into the field with the right qualifications to help maintain infrastructure that is badly in need of replacement, these problems only get compounded as the events increase. The national weather service has predicted over 20 named storms for this year’s storm season – and that doesn’t include potential fires and earthquakes. We want you to be able to breathe freely knowing you have the tools you need to respond to anything that may arise – especially since you’re operating under social distancing restrictions and pandemic response regulations.

During this season, there’s so much to manage and it seems there is so little time to manage it. Here’s how the ARCOS Resource Management platform can help with some common situations. It will:

  • Allow you to dispatch the correct skilled workers to the correct jobs all with automation
  • Enable you to quickly respond to demand changes on staff due to storms
  • Communicate quickly with your entire team to make announcements or ensure their safety
  • Capture all work done in the field completely and in a holistic way that will allow you to use ARCOS’ powerful reporting tools
  • Have full visibility to all people, equipment and crews currently dispatched to the field

I know, I know – this is only scratching the surface of what you face daily, but we are here for you. We can help you get a leg up on your Incident Management activation, provide you with powerful crew management tools to help remote work, and even help you manage your contractors and crews.

At ARCOS, we’ve worked with many of your peers who understand a day in the life of your operations.


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