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ARCOS employees at the ARCOS booth at the EMPOWER 2023 Conference

EMPOWER is ARCOS’s annual user conference where we bring together our customers to network, learn, and excel in their use of ARCOS solutions for field mobility and resource management. In this blog series, Aisha Ghuman, ARCOS CMO, explores the different aspects of what makes EMPOWER so special and beloved among those who attend.

Every year, ARCOS holds a one-of-a-kind conference. Our next gathering is March 5th-8th, 2023 in Bonita Springs, Florida, and it’s not too late to register.

This year we’ve branded the conference EMPOWER because ARCOS strives to empower the people who power the world, it is an event shaped by our users, for our users. IDC predicts that by 2025, 50% of utilities will implement a platform approach to operations, integrate multiple solutions into a single pane of glass. This will improve visibility, management, efficiency, and operating margins. We aim to help with that trend.

The utility industry is unlike any other, built on cooperation instead of rivalry. EMPOWER embraces that, providing a place for you to laugh and learn alongside your colleagues. You will hear best practices, make new connections, and optimize the value of your ARCOS solutions.

In short, by the time the conference concludes, you’ll be ready to make operations more efficient and profitable, EMPOWER-ed by your experience.

The Value

Whether you’re new to ARCOS or have been using it for more than a decade, there’s something for you on the agenda. The sessions that fill EMPOWER are shaped by a Steering Committee made up of a group of expert users and thought leaders from a diverse list of companies including AEP, San Diego Gas & Electric, FirstEnergy, Connexus, Omaha Public Power District, and more.

These are individuals who excel at using ARCOS to make their companies more efficient and profitable. They are also tasked with preparing their companies for the future. Their goal is to help you do the same. We’ll cover both the Steering Committee and the agenda more extensively in upcoming posts.

Three main goals drive the gathering: network, learn, and excel.

  • NETWORK: You will network with your peers, making new friends and valuable connections you can call upon all year long. Many are excited to reconnect anew each year.
  • LEARN: You will learn how to get the best ROI on your ARCOS contract, sharing best practices, gaining insight, and deepening your knowledge. Given the variety of companies that use our software, each in their own way, there are always plenty of tips and tricks you can take home with you. And this year pre-conference training is FREE with registration.
  • EXCEL: You’ll excel as you return to your company ready to accelerate digital transformation to revolutionize mobile workforce and resource management. Your new insights will be backed up with fact and experience, making them invaluable in fine-tuning your efforts.

Plus, you’ll get to help shape our product roadmap for the year ahead, making sure we’re delivering the tools you need.

Who Should Go?

ARCOS welcomes all users, from executives to crew, operations and engineering, IT folks, and emergency responders. As our platform covers a wide variety of field mobility and resource management tasks, so too does the makeup of the attendees. This wide variety of viewpoints provides a spectrum of industry knowledge at all levels.

If you need support selling to your company why your team should attend, we provide a Justification Letter customizable to your specific situation.

So register for EMPOWER, book your hotel rooms, and join us in beautiful Bonita Springs this March for an experience you won’t soon forget.


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